The Chart Of Accounts — Small Business Keys To Money Management

Posted on: 10 March 2022

As your small business grows, one key component of understanding its books, creating reliable financial statements, and knowing how much you're actually making in profit is the accounting chart of accounts. What is a chart of accounts? And how does it help you as a business owner or entrepreneur? Here's what you need to know. What Is a Chart of Accounts?    The chart of accounts is, at its most basic, a list of all the various types of assets and liabilities your company holds. [Read More]

5 Ways Tax Preparation Can Reduce Your Tax Liabilities

Posted on: 19 January 2022

While paying taxes is a patriotic duty, you shouldn't have to pay more than your fair share. Tax liabilities can build up quite fast if you prepare your taxes incorrectly. They can drag both personal and business finances down. A good tax preparation service can help reduce your tax burden at the local, state, and federal levels. You exploit legal loopholes to bring down your tax liabilities in income, employment, and capital gains taxes. [Read More]

How Can You And Your Business Benefit From A Tax Preparation Service?

Posted on: 23 November 2021

If you have ever tried preparing taxes on your own, you already know how daunting it can be. So, for those who haven't experienced it yet, save yourself the trouble and hire a tax preparation service. Tax preparation can take up most of your time, meaning you have to halt other administrative tasks.  Luckily, you don't have to fret about tax returns or audits if you hire a tax preparer. That said, you stand to gain a lot when you hire a professional tax service to take care of your taxes. [Read More]

Tips for Paperless Bookkeeping in Your Small Business

Posted on: 8 October 2021

You probably understand the importance of bookkeeping in your small business, but you might worry about the environmental impact that goes along with traditional bookkeeping methods. You could be worried about all of the paper that you use for tracking your expenses, profits, and more in your business, and you might be hoping that you can take steps to reduce the amount of paper that is used in the bookkeeping process. [Read More]